' la vida no se ha hecho para comprenderla, sino para vivirla ' ' Life is not meant to be understood but to live it '

Dirhams (AED)...

Hola! Hoy quiero empezar el post con la moneda local. Se llama dirham, y para que os hagáis una idea, 5dhs = 1 Euro.
Aquí hay billetes de 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 y 1000 dhs. Monedas solo hay de 1 dhs y de 25 y 50 céntimos, que aquí se llaman fills.
Hello!, today I want to begin my post with the local currency here. It's called Dirham, and the exchange rate is roughly :
5 dhm = 1 Euro
The banknotes available are : 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 dhs.
Coins available are of 1 dhs or 25 and 50 cents, known here as fills.

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